Week 5: Food
Today we add powdered milk to our General Store shelves. I can hear the cry now..."We hate powdered milk".
Yes, you may but it is great to rotate in breads and cakes and if you are without the ability to purchase milk you will be thankful to have some on hand. Try adding a little vanilla to the milk to make it more appealing. Adding evaporated milk can also help add the creamy consistency missing in powdered milk. Of course, you should have some chocolate syrup stored in the comfort food section of your pantry and that makes everything taste better!
Powdered milk is best when very cold so if you find yourself without the funds to purchase milk during a difficult time chill it well before serving. This week add 5 pounds of powdered milk to your food storage. Not 5 pounds per person but just five pounds.
Week 5: Store
This being winter storm season I thought it might be a good time to add matches and batteries to our General Store rather than wait until later in the year. Think about matches not only for the fireplace but also for cooking and lighting candles. Matches should be the wooden and strike anywhere variety.
Check your radios, clocks, flashlights, camp lights, battery powdered candles, etc. to determine what size batteries you need to be storing. For example: if you have three flashlights and each needs 3 D size batteries you will need to store 9. Do this with all battery operated items and purchase as many as you can afford. Be sure to store different sizes not just one size. It would be frustrating to have lots of D size for flashlights but no AAA for your headlamp or clock. Now is the time not when hundreds of others are preparing for an oncoming storm. For some the storms are already here. We pray they will be safe and have prepared well as they deal with blizzard conditions and a nor-Eastern today.