Food - Week 34: Canned Fruit
Back to the old canned fruit supply this week.
Whether you are buying canned fruit or you are canning it while the summer crops are coming in - be sure to store 6 cans/pints per family member this week. Fruit is essential to health especially during times of crisis whether it is the stress of losing a job or something bigger. Also, remember a pound of frozen fruit is equal to 2,14 oz. cans. There are many fruits that freeze well. The best method for freezing is to cut fruit, place it on a cookie sheet, freeze it, and when frozen place it in a freezer bag or vacuum seal. Vacuum sealing will preserve them for years without freezer burn. Most fruits can also be frozen whole to save for making sauces and jams later. Citrus fruits can be left on a counter to thaw and then use as you would fresh.