Week 14: Desserts
Take care of that sweet tooth and this week add 8 desserts. Now is the time to remember all the occasions that you celebrated or wanted to celebrate during the past year. Did you have all the ingredients on hand to make the holiday favorite treats or those special birthday cakes? Desserts provide a sense of stability and comfort during trying times.
There are so many reasons for food storage and for storing what we normally eat, but one that is often overlooked is the amount of money we can save.
First, we save money as we eat our storage because we are always eating at last year’s prices. You know food prices do go up often. Second, as you replace food storage and as you shop each week you never have to purchase anything that is not on sale, after all you can just go to your General Store for anything you need so you can wait for the sales. Most food items go on sale every 10-12 weeks. Third you will never need to run for fast food because there is “nothing in the house” for dinner.
Just think about how much money you can save over the course of the year if you only purchase foods when they are on sale.