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2024 Preparedness - Week 11: Calendar Week 10

Writer's picture: Carolyn NicolaysenCarolyn Nicolaysen

Week 10 March 11


Make it Monday:

We have talked about heating during a power outage and made items to help you with light and heat but this week let’s talk about one cooking idea. As a reminder directions for all our Make it Monday projects are included in your Totally Ready Binder.


Haybox Cooker

Definition: A Haybox cooker allows you to prepare meals in the same way an electric slow cooker works, with heat and insulation. You will bring food to a boil for three minutes and then place the covered food into an insulated container. Food will continue cooking for several hours until done.


Container Options:


Choose a container that is at least four inches larger, on all sides, top and bottom than your pot with the lid on. Any container should have a good lid. If your container does not have a lid, you should make one of wood or a sheet of metal.


  • A large camping cooler can be used with only 1-2 inches of insulation around the pot but any less and you could melt the cooler.

  • Cardboard box

  • Computer or appliance box (these are heavier cardboard and are great)

  • Wooden box

  • Plastic or metal garbage can (be sure to insulate plastic well or it will melt)

  • Metal tub

  • Trunk


Insulation Options:

Insulation is key to the success of a Hay Box Cooker. Never scrimp, more is better.


  • Newspapers or magazines: these can either be stacked or shredded. As the name implies, hay. Naturally, the material over the pot would make a mess if shredded.

  • Sleeping bags, old towels, old blankets, layers of cardboard, anything that will hold heat in.


  1. Place food in pot and bring to a boil.

2. Boil five minutes.

3. Cover the pot with a lid and place in the box.

4. Cook for the length of time you would cook this meal in a slow cooker or oven.



Let’s prepare to evacuate. As a family read: Don’t Forget the Birds which can be found in your Totally Ready binder or at Discuss why you may need to evacuate with your family.




Gather all journals and photo albums and place them in one location so they can easily be grabbed when evacuating.



Self Assessment

1.     Does your family have an evacuation plan?

2.     Have you made evacuation assignments for each family member?

3.     Do you have evacuation responsibilities posted?

4.     Have you practiced your evacuation plan?



Gather your family and make a list of all the important items each family member would want to take if they knew they would never be able to return to your home. Once everyone has a list, read each one aloud and brainstorm items that may have been left off. Now it’s time to prioritize.


Grandma’s wedding ring and a favorite family photo might both be on the list, but which is truly valuable? Children may list a favorite toy, book, or school project. These are all important to provide comfort when there is no home to return to. You may point out that the necklace from Grandma may also be important to list.


Now, make a master list to use tomorrow. A list like this is of great value whether you have ten minutes to evacuate or an hour. 




Create a form with four columns. In the first column record the items to be gathered in order of importance. Next, in the second column, record where each item is stored. Gather items in a common location as much as possible. In the third column record the name of the family member assigned to gather each item and place it in the car if the time comes to evacuate. The fourth column is left blank for now and can be used to check off the items once they are safely stashed in the car. A sample of the form is available in your Totally Ready Binder. Post your list in a few easily accessible locations making it quick to find when evacuation is imminent. 


Consider creating a master list with items listed by individual family members, all Mom’s are listed together, David’s listed together, etc.


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