WEEK 21 MAY 27
This week a few more things to inventory and purchase if necessary. It is important to remember we are not preparing for just one challenge like a flu pandemic. All these preparations will help you thrive following a job loss, a natural disaster that leaves store shelves empty, distribution interruptions due to strikes or disasters, and so many things.
Today examine your supply of paper plates, cups, bowls, and napkins. When a health disaster hits using disposables will keep you safer as you can get germs out of the house quickly without exposing everyone while they handle and wash dishes.
Store at least a month’s supply of these items for three meals and a snack each day.
Now that you have paper goods you will need a way to dispose of them so store heavy, large trash bags. These can also be used to store clothing and bedding of those who are ill before they can be washed keeping germs trapped in the bag.
Here we go… the thing everyone laughed and rolled their eyes about before COVID. How is your supply of TP and N95 masks? I had several people admit they thought I was crazy when I advised them to stock up on those items. We know cloth masks do not work. Do not store KN95 masks. They are not sufficient and they are made in China where regulations and inspections are not reliable.
I remember when the lockdown for COVID began and someone asked if I thought it would last more than two weeks. I said yes but I never imagined it would be two years.
Take a breath today and add $15 to your adult Five Day Kits.
We all know how important treats are when dealing with a disaster especially when that means you are stuck at home. How is your stash of treats? Do you have cake and brownie mixes or other ingredients on hand to make desserts? If your desserts require eggs remember eggs were in short supply during the pandemic. Now may be the time to order some dehydrated eggs. You know I’m not in favor of storing dehydrated and freeze-dried foods but there are a few exceptions and eggs are one.
Spend some time today organizing your tents, camp stoves, and camping lanterns. Make room for supplies we will add in the next few months.