July 1 Week 26
It’s July and time to have some fun, learn to use tools you have in your preparedness supplies, and, practice skills. Today cook dinner without power. No cheating. If you have a gas stove cook dinner in some way other than using the stove.
If you don’t already have them purchase items to make foil dinners. If you are unfamiliar with foil dinners directions and tips can be found on the Totally Ready blog. https://www.totallyready.com/blog
Add $15 to adult kits.
It’s the Fourth of July! As you prepare food today practice using the barbecue forks you purchased and cook your hot dogs over a fire.
Store 1 gallon of water per family member. For information on water storage see: https://www.totallyready.com/post/when-the-tap-goes-dry
It’s the weekend and time for an un-birthday party. Weekends are the perfect time for a yummy dessert. Prepare your party using only items in your food storage and decorate with items you have on hand.