August 12 Week 32
Add hats to all Five-Day kits. Baseball caps and other hats can be purchased inexpensively at dollar stores. Do you have caps from teams your children no longer participate in? Most of us have some lying around the house.
Do you remember the sunglasses an eye doctor gives after dilating your eyes or following a procedure? They are called Rollens roll-up sunglasses. They can be purchased online. These are perfect for kits because they are small, lightweight, and can be worn under prescription glasses creating prescription sunglasses.
Remember the extra sets of keys you made? Today add a set of keys to all adult Five-Day kits. Keys should be placed in an outside pocket where they will be easy to retrieve when evacuating quickly or in the middle of the night.
You may think make-up, lotions, spray, and aftershave are luxuries and they are not needed in a kit but you would be mistaken. We all feel better during a crisis when we maintain a routine that is familiar and makes us feel “human”. There is another reason, you may have lost your job and will need to find another, and you will want to look and feel your best when seeking a job even when you may still be living in a hotel room or shelter.
Print the photos you took last week and add them to all your kits, adult and child’s. Your children may be trying to find you as you are looking for them.
Today it’s time to purchase a cooler for your car that can be plugged in and act as a fridge. This is essential if a member of the family is diabetic or on other medications that need to be refrigerated. If your college student may need medications send one to school with them. These will also be essential during a prolonged power outage.