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2024 Preparedness - Week 9: Calendar Week 8

Writer's picture: Carolyn NicolaysenCarolyn Nicolaysen

February 26 Week 8


Make it Monday: 

If you are not familiar with a rice pack, it is a flannel sleeve with a cotton sleeve inside, filled with rice. Place in a microwave for 1 to 2 minutes and use as you would a heating pad. The moisture from the rice grains makes the heat penetrate into the muscles. During a power outage heat rocks near a fire, move rocks away from the fire, and place a few under a rice pack and a few over for about a minute to heat the rice.


To make a rice pack, you will need:

A strip of flannel fabric 6 inches x 42 inches

A strip of cotton fabric 6 inches x 42 inches

White rice


1.          Fold flannel fabric in half lengthwise, right sides together.

2.          Sew a 1/4-inch seam down the long sides of the flannel sleeve.

3.          Fold over the open end of the flannel sleeve and hem.

4.          Turn right side out.

5.          Fold cotton fabric in half lengthwise.

6.          Sew a 1/4 seam down the long sides of the cotton fabric.

7.          Turn right side out.

8.          Fill the cotton sleeve 2/3 full with white rice.

9.          Turn over the open edge and sew closed.

10.        Slip the cotton sleeve filled with rice into the flannel sleeve.


To Use: place in microwave for one to two minutes to warm and enjoy! You will need to experiment with the length of warming time as all microwaves heat a little differently.

Rice packs are perfect to give to someone who is going to sleep. The pack will cool after a few minutes and there is no need to return and remove as you would with a heating pad.


After using it for someone who is ill slip off the flannel sleeve to launder.


In an emergency fill a clean tube sock with rice and tie a knot to close the end. Instant hot pack.



Complete a medical history form for each family member. Forms can be found at Add the completed form to your binder and your Five-Day kits.



Complete a medical history form for each pet. Forms can be found at Add to your binder and your Five-Day kit.



Self Assessment

1.     Do you know the signs and treatment of frostbite?

2.     Do you know the signs and treatment of seizures?

3.     Do you know the signs and treatment of snow blindness?

4.     Do you know the signs and treatment of heat-related illnesses?

5.     Do you know the signs and treatment of hypothermia?

6.     Do you know the signs and treatment of dehydration?




Add signs and treatment for frostbite, seizures, snow blindness, heat-related illness (heat stroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion) hypothermia, and dehydration, to your binder and your auto and Five-Day kits. These can also be found in your Totally Ready Binders.



Make copies of all your family’s birth certificates and driver's licenses. Place one copy in each adult Five-Day Kit and one copy of each in the envelope to be mailed to your contact.


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