There are 41 days left until Halloween when we need your ornaments. There is still time to gather and create and still get them mailed. If you are just discovering us WELCOME! We are so exciting about how quickly we are growing now. You are not too late! We are already beginning plans to serve survivors in 2023. We have friends here who are already planning ornaments creation parties for next year.
A little history lesson, three years ago, our first year, we had 700ish ornaments created by a couple dozen people from 4 states. Last year we received ornaments for 19 states with 5,000 ornaments serving 600 families. This year we have crafters from 31 states, so far, with a goal of 12,000 ornaments serving 1,000 families.
Those we are working with in KY and CO are very excited to work with us. They feel families receiving ornaments will be thrilled to know people from all areas of the country are spending time making a gift for them.
We continue turning the country red but it's not time to get complacent. Red states are those where we have received ornaments. In some cases we have just a handful from the state so if your state is red we still need you! A lot of the country is still grey, meaning we have no crafters in those states. Know anyone in those states? Challenge them to beat your efforts and join us. Green states are those where we have commitments but have not yet received any ornaments.
We would love for you to share how many ornaments you have coming and also any ornament creating parties you have planned. As a reminder we need ornaments sent to both locations. If you think you have too few to divide or if you cannot afford to mail to two locations please ask where they are needed most.
Send to:
Operation Christmas Ornaments
Attn: Laura
22 Stoney Brook Drive
Winchester, KY 40391
Operation Christmas Ornaments
Attn: Carol
11310 Fenton St.
Westminster, CO 80020