Very few people can afford to purchase all the items that may be needed during an emergency. Make your own. They will serve you well, are less expensive, easy to store, and simple to create. Best of all they are made with items you already have or are readily available to purchase inexpensively.
From fire starters to tin stoves, from cookie mixes to waxed cheese, from the garden to electronics... there are ways to make your own and save money while being prepared in an emergency. This chapter has info on how to make your own now to be prepared tomorrow.
Part of our "Build Your Binder" eBook program. This eBooklet should be printed out and we encourage you to add it to your emergency binder with the other emergency binder booklet chapters.
Hundreds of hours have been spent researching and interviewing disaster survivors to bring you the best information and strategies. Please respect the copyright on these ebooks. If you would like to purchase the rights to print more copies please notify us for pricing.
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