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Articles - Emergency Kits

The Ultimate Five Day Kit
For years government and relief organizations advised the public to prepare to live for 72 hours without the help of outside agencies, as emergency services will focus their resources on care for the injured, and rescue operations. In recent years government agencies have raised READ MORE...
The Ultimate Five Day Kit Part 2
You may not be able to save your food storage during a natural disaster, but you can grab your 120(72)-hour kits and be so much better prepared to deal with the stresses that are to come. These are things that should be in your 120-hour kits. Not all of them will apply to your family, READ MORE...

Tips for Food in Your Kits
This year has taught us so much about the importance of preparing for the unexpected as well as the disaster we are expecting. People are looking more seriously at exactly what they are adding to their kits, especially foods. Now we recognize the importance of food in our kits - READ MORE...
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