Articles - Summer

Don't Be Left in the Dark - Summer Version
Due to all this stress on our power grid we need to prepare for summer outages. There will be whining and frustration but there are things we can do to minimize the stress. Read more...
Summer School for Self-Reliance
Summer is the ideal time for parents and kids to have fun learning the skills of self-reliance, and what better way than to find like-minded parents and form your own summer school. Many years ago a group of friends and I took on the task of organizing - Read more...

Keeping Your Family Safe During Summer Fun
Now is a time to consider the dangers we all face during the summer months guaranteeing our summer can be a time we reflect on with joy and not regrets. Read more...
More Important Tips for Keeping Your
Family Safe This Summer
You may be wondering why we are discussing summer safety and fun in a column that is devoted to self-reliance. That’s why. We are not only concerned about emergency preparedness and response but also becoming self-reliant, capable - Read more...