Week 17: We are closing out the Emergency binder challenge this week. We end by adding cash. I know you should already have cash on hand and in your Five Day Kits but what if you can’t get to them or you only have time to grab one thing other than the kids? Grab your Emergency binder. As we have discussed on numerous occasions, all cash should be small denomination bills 1s,5s, and 10s. Insurance will reimburse you for many things but that takes time and if the power fails credit cards will not work. Cash is still king during a time of crisis. Add as much as you can but your goal should $100-$200 per person. Finally create a cover page for your binder such as this:
Your Family Name Family Emergency Binder
Be sure you have reviewed the information in your binder with your spouse and children. Also let the executor of your will or trusted friend know where they can find it should something happen to you.