We are turning America green. This week we turn Wisconsin and Maryland. This is the first year for both to participate. Yippee! Those poor grey states.
We are getting so close to our deadline and so close to our goals. Thank you all so much for reaching out to friends and family and inviting them to join us. Thank you for devoting time, resources and your talents. Thank you for setting a great example for the children and youth in your circle and teaching them the joy of service.
We are now officially a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity. This means as you donate supplies, shipping or cash those donations can be deducted on your taxes. Be sure to keep all receipts. Any donations made from June 23, 2023 and after qualify. https://www.gofundme.com/.../support-survivors-of-natural...
Ornaments are due to our coordinators in Kentucky, Alabama and Florida by Halloween. Ornaments received after that date will be saved for next year or used for families we find last minute.
Operation Christmas Ornaments Attn: Beth 1510 Tullahoma Drive, Prattville, AL 36066 Operation Christmas Ornaments Attn: Imogene 1489 Whooping Drive, Groveland, FL 34736 Operation Christmas Ornaments Attn: Laura 22 Stoney Brook Drive. Winchester, KY 40391